Product review: Loving Earth Organic Raw Chocolate

Want chocolate that is ...... *breaths* cane sugar free? gluten free? dairy free? Low GI? 
AND Vegan? *exhales* 

Well look no further! Loving Earth chocolate is exactly as it is promoted. It is the healthier cousin to Cadbury, we didn't think "healthy" chocolate exists. 

While the chocolate may be healthy, eating the chocolate on it's own, in blocks was not our forte. We didn't think it was sweet enough in comparison to other chocolate we enjoy. The flavours that are mixed in with the chocolate are very strong also. So it was a treat given that we were able to taste the Salted Caramel flavour!

We may have overdone it a bit with the chocolate blocks :)

We decided to make chocolate slices with the remaining chocolate, as we believe that it would be more enjoyable when used in cooking. Wow did the chocolate melt quick! Perfect for cooking!

Melted chocolate and butter (oh so glossy). You could almost dive into it!

The end result looks great and with the added sugar, definitely gave the slice a big flavour boost. Sweet chocolate slice with Salted Caramel chocolate bits. We much preferred these slices opposed to eating the chocolate blocks, this is just because our expectation of chocolate is to be sweet, perhaps our taste buds are chocolate-ist? Nonetheless, we hope you have enjoyed our slices. :)

If you are looking for a healthier option, perhaps give it a go!
We were provided with a sample from BleachPR via Shop Naturally however opinions are expressed as our own. Thank you Rhiannon for the samples. 

Incase you missed it, head over to our other product review from Shop Naturally 

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